+45 8637 7133

Mon-Thurs 8-16 (Fri 8-13)

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8544 Mørke, Denmark

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Ramps for heavy traffic

A raised edge, where a ramp is installed, over which a truck or heavier load has to go, it can be challenging for the ramp to hold the weight when a truck or similar has to drive up the ramp. Certain ramps, such as aluminum, end up bending under the wheels of the truck, and thus need to be replaced with a new ramp. When the ramp no longer matches the height of the edge, it could damage the truck's wheels and shake the pallet, which could cause the goods on the pallet to fall off.

Med vores rampesystem sikrer vi, at din rampe kan holde til vægten, når du kører op med trucken, da vores rampesystem kan holde til, at en tank på 63 tons kører op ad vores rampe. Du behøver derfor ikke at tænke på, om der er for meget vægt på rampen. Vores ramper er en effektiv løsning, som kan holde til tung vægt og er nem at udskifte i mindre dele, hvis der skulle opstå skader på rampen. Vores system er nemlig bygget op af moduler. Det gør det billigere at vedligeholde din rampe, og man skal ikke ud og skifte hele rampesektionen.

The ramp is available in different colors that mark the driving area or danger signal.

HARD fliser og rampe kan håndter tunge maskiner

Ramps made of the material HARD

Heavy traffic – truck, pallet truck
  • Ramps and floor in the HARD-range can withstand daily traffic and remains a simple and manageable solution due to the floor's low weight.
  • Many alternatives must be replaced completely if defective.
    With HARD-ramps and floor tiles, defective parts can be replaced quickly and easily.
Great adaptability
  • The resilience, adaptability, light weight and cost-effectiveness do the HARD-range for the obvious ramp choice. The ramps are available in warning colors that provide optimal visibility.
Tung trafik kan køres på Excellent Systems ramper


Do you have control over the slope when driving over a ramp?

The slope of the ramp can have an effect on whether your truck or pallet lifter will rock on the edge of the ramp.

We are specialists in making ramps for industry where there is heavy traffic.

Contact us for an offer
Use our contact form or call us on 86 37 71 33

Solutions of ramps for heavy traffic